Damy a panove, jako prvni bych se vsem rad omluvil za momentalni absenci novych clanku, mel jsem ponekud napilno. A taky jsem byl trochu liny, jen trosicku. Kazdopadne vas neprekvapim a mozna zklamu fadnim "Mam se skvele", a prozradim vam ze jsem prozil dalsi
3 uzasne tydny 4 uzasne tydny 5 uzasnych tydnu, plne jak rutinnich radosti tak neobvyklych dobrodruzstvi. Zameril bych se predevsim na me prvni americke dikuvzdani, aneb den hostiny a nic nedelani, kteryzto nazev je mnohem presneji vystihujici. Hlavnim duvodem proc pro me dikuvzdani bylo zajimave to, ze jsme odjeli az do dalekeho Chicaga oslavit tyto svatky spolecne se sirsim okruhem rodiny. Dikuvzdani spada na datum 26.11., coz pro nas znamenalo ctvrtek. Dikybohu jsme dostali propustku ze skoly uz ve stredu, komu by se nelibil dvoudenni tyden ze? Huxley jsme opustili okolo 9 rano, a s radosti se vydali na 6-ti hodinovou vypravu smer 3. nejvetsi mesto USA! Na obed jsme se stavovali ve "World's largest truck stop", coz je pro vasi predstavu giganticka benzina, obsahujici nekolik restauraci, obchod, zabavni centrum, pradelnu, kadernik, zubare, nebo treba knihovnu (Ano, s trochou nadsazky by se zde dalo i zit). Okolo 16:00 jsme dorazili na misto urceni, aneb dum bratra moji host mamky, mestecko St.Charles. Ano, rikal jsem ze jsme jeli do Chicaga. Chicago je ponekud prostorne a vsude okolo centra jsou takzvane "suburbs", coz jsou vlastne mensi mestecka, srustajici s ostatnimi a konecne s centrem Chicaga. Pro predstavu, ze St.Charles do uplneho centra Chicaga se dostaneme priblizne za cas Hradec-Praha, pricemz projizdime prakticky jen mestem. No kazdopadne, do centra Chicaga jsem se nepodival az do patku. Ve stredu se nic moc nedelo, ve ctvrtek take ne, cely den probihal spankem, hranim na Xboxu a sledovanim filmu a serialu, proste idealni lenosici den! Slavna "Thanksgiving dinner" vlastne neni vubec dinner, jidlo jsme meli mezi 2-3 odpoledne. Hlavni hvezdou cele vecere je kruta, jak je zvykem ve vetsine americkych rodin. Krome kruty je na stole asi tak 765453 ruznych priloh, kazdy si urcite prijde na sve a uspokoji sve chutove poharky. V patek jsme se brzo rano vypravili smer downtown Chicago, coz trvalo priblizne hodinu (jak jsem se jiz zminil v predeslych vetach). Chicago jako takove se mi celkem libilo, myslim ze bych si zvykl na zivot ve vetsim meste, typove mi centrum Chicaga trochu pripominalo centrum Londyna. Nasi tour Chicagem jsme odstartovali slavnou deep dish pizzou, coz je vlastne neco jako hybrid mezi kolacem a pizzou, no kazdopadne mnamka! Pote jsme se vydali na prohlidku mistniho architektonickeho muzea, po cemz nasledovala prohlidka nejznamejsich ulic Chicaga, dokonce jsme meli i pruvodce co nam rekl nejake zajimavosti a historii mesta. Po ukonceni oficialni casti prohlidky jsme se vydali na prohlidku na vlastni pest, nase hlavni zastavka byla Millenium Park a slavna "Fazole". Dale jsme se pouze toulali po nejznamejsich ulicich, podivali se na Trump Tower a udelali nejake to povinne "Black Friday shopping". Pote jsme se vratili zpet do St.Charles a navstivili mistni kostel. Po dalsim prolenosenem veceru jsme se v sobotu dopoledne vydali na navstevu rodinnych pratel v jednom z dalsich malych mestecek okolo Chicaga (jmeno jsem zapomnel). Dotycna rodina jsou hinduiste, a jako soucast nasi navstevy jsme si udelali vylet do nedalekeho hinduistickeho chramu. Nevedel jsem co cekat, a navsteva chramu mi naprosto vyrazila dech, rozhodne nejkrasnejsi budova do ktere jsem se kdy podival. Po prochazce po chramu (ktery je mimochodem kompletne z bileho mramoru) jsme se stavili na indicke jidlo, a pomalu se vydali na cestu zpet - smer Huxley.
Co se tyce mimoskolnich aktivit, momentalne nejsem v zadnem skolnim sportu, takze se vlastne akorat valim doma a nic nedelam, jako klasicky stereotypni american. Vlastne taky obcas zajdu do fitka, jen sem tam. Krome toho muj volny cas obsahuje take jezdeni na basketbalove zapasy nasi skoly, obcasne movie night, proste klasicke aktivity teenagera, jak jinak take. Momentalne uz mame Vanocni volno, takze si toho lenoseni uzivam naplno, a snazim se nemyslet na Semester Tests a na fakt JAK NEUVERITELNE RYCHLE TO UTIKA. Zvlastni pomysleni na to ze bez prodlouzeni pobytu bych si uz za tri tydny balil kufry... No nicmene se snazim uzivat svuj cas tady naplno, a zatim se to dari na 100%! Takze Vesele Vanoce, Stastny novy rok, milujte se a mnozte se, a zase nekdy priste, peace!
Ladies and gentlemen, first I'd like to apologize for latest absence of my articles, I had a lot of things to do. I also was kinda lazy. Just a little bit. I will probably disappoint you with highly un-amusing "I'm having time of my life", but yeah, pretty much, that's how I feel right now. I experienced another
3 weeks 4 weeks 5 unforgettable weeks, full of routine affairs as well as unusual adventures.
I'd like to focus mainly on my first American Thanksgiving, or as I'd like to call it, day of laziness & food. The main reason why Thanksgiving was so interesting to me was that we traveled to Chicago to celebrate it with our family. Thanksgiving is on 26th of November, which meant Thursday. Fortunately for us lucky school goers, we got the day off on Wednesday, making it nice and solid 2 day week, who wouldn't love that right? We left Huxley around 9 AM full of excitement (not really) and got mentaly ready for 6 hour long ride to 3rd largest city in the United States. For the lunch, we
stopped at the "world's largest truck stop", which was pretty funny if you ask me, you could basically live there. Around 4PM we finally arrived to Chicago, or more exactly, to small suburb of Chicago called St. Charles. St. Charles is around hour far from downtown Chicago. But anyways, I didn't get to visit downtown till Friday. The rest of Wednesday and Thursday was spend by laying around not doing anything, watching movies, playing Xbox etc. Yes, it was a blast! I figured out that Thanksgiving "Dinner" is not dinner at all, well at least at our house it was not, the food was served between 2PM and 3PM. The main star of our Thanksgiving was obviously turkey, served together with approximately 15365431 sides. We took of for Chicago in early morning on Friday. The ride was probably hour long, just as I said previously. I loved Chicago itself as a city, it reminded me of a center of London for example. In general, I think I would get used to living in big city like this. Our Chicago tour started with famous deep dish pizza (never had it before), which is basically a hybrid between a pie and a pizza. Just as I expected, it was deeeeeeelicious. After our great lunch, we set off for Chicago's architectonic museum tour, which was shortly followed by a tour around the most famous streets. We were even accompanied by a guide that told us few interesting facts about the city as well as about its history. After the end of official part of the tour with the guide, we decided to explore the wonders of the Windy City on our own, even though it was raining. But no rain will mess up our plans right?! Our main goal was visiting the Millennium Park and the notorious "Bean". Despite the rain, the place was crowded with tourists, so we early took off to cruise the most famous streets of Chicago, do some required Black Friday shopping and check out the Trump Tower.
After doing that, we said goodbye to Chicago and left back for St. Charles, where we visited local church. After another lazy, relaxing evening and night, we packed our things and hit the road to go to our family's friends living in another suburb of Chicago (forgot the name). This family is hindu, which was personally for me another interesting cultural experience to talk to them. Part of our trip was also visiting local hindu cathedral. To be honest I've never been to any place like this so I kind of didn't know what to expect. Well, it absolutely stunned me. Frankly, it was the single most beautiful building I've ever had honor of visiting. After the tour around the cathedral (which is by the way completely from white marble), we had some Indian food for lunch and slowly took of for Huxley. When it comes to outside of the school, or free time, activities, I'm not currently in any sport, so I'm basically laying on the couch not doing anything, eating and getting fat, just like every stereotypical American. I also go to the gym sometimes. Just every once in a while. My free time also includes watching basketball games of our team, occasional movie nights, basically typical teenager activities. Yes, it may sound little bit boring, but I'm having a absolutely wonderful time here! I'm also trying not to think about upcoming semester tests as well as about the fact how INCREDIBLY FAST time flies here, crazy to think that without the extension of my stay I'd leave in approximately in 2 weeks. However, I'm trying to get the best of my stay here, have fun and good times, and it's all going well, never felt better!
So Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and see you next time, peace!
Arriving to Chicago!
Deep dish pizza |
Streets of Chicago |
The Bean |
Random shot from architectonic museum |
Astonishing hindu temple |
Basketball game with the bros! |